Signs of Cocaine Addiction
Addiction affects everyone in different ways. Some go through significant physical changes, some struggle psychologically, and others see a drastic behavioural change. Many experience a combination of all these. It also depends on what the specific addiction is as different substances, and even behaviour addictions, will cause different symptoms and reactions.
Some signs and symptoms are more subtle, especially earlier in the process. Spotting these early signs in someone – or yourself! – can play a big role in the speed and success of recovery.
If you suspect a loved one may be struggling with an addiction, there are some things you can watch for. Many individuals may not even realize they are becoming addicted themselves – read on to learn more about the signs of cocaine addiction in yourself or someone you love.
Physical Signs of Cocaine Addiction
Cocaine is a strong and serious drug that changes a person drastically. It causes many physical changes to the body, its functions, your appearance, and more. Some are easier to spot than others, and everyone will be different.
There are many things you can look for in the early stages of an addiction. These are symptoms that may appear quickly but aren’t always as serious. Some of the common short-term signs of cocaine addiction include:
- Increased body temperature
- Nosebleeds
- Runny nose
- Sniffles
- Inflamed sinuses
- Dilated pupils
- Headaches
- Nausea/stomach pain
- Loss of sense of smell
- Loss of appetite
- Tremors
- Muscle twitching
When someone has been addicted for some time, you may see additional, more serious signs of cocaine addiction. These can have serious consequences and can be difficult to recover from. These longer-term physical signs of cocaine addiction include:
- Nasal infections
- Significant weight loss
- Blood clots
- Heart attack
- Heart failure
- Stroke
- Enlarged heart
- Permanently increased blood pressure
Of course, these symptoms on their own don’t immediately and automatically mean someone is addicted to cocaine or any other drug. Many of these have other causes or can be one-off issues. However, if you or someone you know is dealing with a few of these at once, or there is no other explanation, it’s likely an addiction is taking hold.
Behavioural Signs of Cocaine Addiction
The physical signs of cocaine addiction also tend to combine with mental, emotional, and behavioural signs. These can be even more noticeable, especially to those living in close quarters to others. If you’re noticing any of these common behavioural signs along with some physical signs, it may be time to look into proper rehab and recovery:
- Strange, erratic, and out-of-character actions
- Agitation
- Irritability
- Violent outbursts
- Spending more and more time with new friends and going to new locations
- Spending less time on previously enjoyed activities and hobbies
- Poor and worsening hygiene habits
- Borrowing and/or stealing money
- Sneaking around/lying
- Poor performance/attendance at work and/or school
- Disconnecting from loved ones
Behaviour can change slowly or very quickly, depending on the level of use and severity of addiction. The sooner an addiction is caught and addressed, the easier it’ll be to reverse these behavioural changes and let go of the new friends and activities associated with using.
Mental and Emotional Signs of Cocaine Addiction
Next, we have the mental and emotional signs of cocaine addiction. These can be harder to spot in someone else, but not impossible. In the early stages of addiction, some feelings and experiences are fun and seem positive, hence why people keep going back to them. However, it will quickly devolve into scarier feelings and symptoms that are harder to manage:
- Excessive energy
- Euphoria
- Alertness and focus
- Giddiness
- Loss of inhibition
- Increased sensitivity to sounds, sights, and touch
- Paranoia
- Mood swings
- Hallucinations
- Insomnia
- Anxiety/panic attacks
- Depression/suicidal thinking
- Bipolar tendencies
- Vertigo
Other Signs of Cocaine Addiction
Lastly, there are what are known as circumstantial or environmental signs of cocaine addiction. These are things that start happening in the life of someone who’s become addicted. These things may be easy to hide at first, but they’ll eventually become undeniable, especially to those close to the one who’s struggling with addiction.
For example:
- Financial trouble. The more you use cocaine, the stronger your tolerance will become. This requires more and more of the substance to achieve the desired results. Eventually, this gets very expensive and other parts of your life will suffer and be sacrificed – such as groceries, bills, rent, activities, etc.
- Legal trouble. Not only is cocaine itself illegal but those who are addicted may participate in various other illegal activities. This includes using in public, driving infractions, theft, and more.
- You may find strange things lying around the house. This includes small baggies, needles, syringes, razors, playing cards, rolled-up dollar bills, hollowed-out pens, etc.
Getting Help
There are many options when it comes to getting help with a cocaine addiction. However, if you’re spotting an addiction in someone else, they must want the help before you can offer it. Everyone reacts differently to attempts at conversations, or even interventions. Interventions can be successful, but they must be done properly and with tact and compassion.
Whether it’s yourself or a loved one, you can explore options within both outpatient and inpatient treatment. Outpatient treatment involves various levels of care and treatment throughout the week. It ranges from therapy a few times a week, to a daily program with medical care and many hours of therapy – while patients remain living in their own residence.
Inpatient programs like the one we offer here at Lily Recovery are much more intensive. Inpatient treatment can last anywhere from 30 days to several months, depending on the individual.
Inpatient rehab requires you to stay at the facility where the program takes place. This allows for 24/7 care, plenty of attention, a structured schedule, and no access to substances of any kind.
Heal in Peace at Lily Recovery
Our inpatient program here at Lily Recovery offers everything you need to heal and recover from an addiction. We house only ten women at any given time, meaning you’ll have plenty of peace, quiet, and privacy while still fostering a sense of community.
Our female staff are compassionate and experienced and our counselors offer a wide variety of therapies and techniques. From individual therapy to holistic healing activities, we craft a personalized plan for every woman who walks through the door. If you have any questions, please reach out to us today and we’ll provide as much guidance as we can.