What are the Withdrawal Symptoms From Cocaine?
Cocaine is one of many substances that quickly leads to addiction. Many start using it recreationally, but it doesn’t take long for dependence to set in, which leads to addiction if left untreated.
Many people try to quit addictions on their own, but without professional care and attention, it’s often extremely difficult. This is true for many reasons, one of which is how severe the withdrawal symptoms can be. Withdrawal symptoms set it once the body stops receiving the drug as much as it’s accustomed to.
These symptoms are unpleasant at best and very serious and painful at worst. Some symptoms can even be dangerous if not handled properly. Once these symptoms begin many cave in and go back to the drug to ease the symptoms, thus creating a difficult cycle to break away from.
Whether you’re trying to quit alone or seek professional help, it’s best to be prepared. When you know what symptoms you’re up against, you’ll be more ready to deal with them. Read on to learn more about cocaine addiction recovery and the withdrawal symptoms you can expect.
Cocaine Withdrawal
Cocaine is unlike other substances such as alcohol or opioids as its withdrawal symptoms include mental and emotional effects as well as physical. This is why cocaine can be particularly hard to recover from as the withdrawal symptoms must be felt as part of the process.
The first step of quitting cocaine is the detox period. If you’ve developed a dependence or addiction, your body has become used to having the drug regularly. When you stop cold turkey, your body doesn’t react well to being cut off.
Detoxing can be extremely uncomfortable and even dangerous – which is why it’s highly recommended that you detox under medical supervision. This is something we offer here at Lily Recovery. Our staff can supervise and take action if a medical emergency arises. They can also administer medication as needed to help keep you comfortable.
While detoxing, many also experience cravings and an intense desire to use the substance again as doing so will relieve the symptoms. This is another benefit to our inpatient rehab program, it gives you no access to any substances. This makes it significantly easier to get through the detox phase and move forward in recovery.
Physical Cocaine Withdrawal Symptoms
Withdrawing from any substance will produce physical side effects. What you experience exactly will depend on the length, severity, and frequency of use. Some of the common physical withdrawal symptoms include:
● Nausea
● Diarrhea
● Vomiting
● Runny nose
● Sweating
● Chills
● High temperature
● Elevated blood pressure
● Abdominal cramping
● Headaches
● Exhaustion
● Bone and muscle pain
● Intense and unpleasant dreams
● Fatigue
● Slow movement
● Increased appetite
● Poor memory
Psychological Cocaine Withdrawal Symptoms
Withdrawing from cocaine can also greatly affect you mentally and emotionally. This presents in several ways:
● Irritability
● Anxiety
● Depression
● Confusion
● Agitation
● Lack of concentration
● Extreme mood swings
● Intense cravings
● Lack of energy
● Paranoia
● Slowed thoughts
● Disturbed sleeping patterns – either excessive sleeping or insomnia
● Delerium
● Seizures
● Hallucinations
While uncomfortable and unsettling, most of these symptoms are manageable. However, things like seizures and hallucinations are much more serious. If these occur, you must be in proper, professional care to prevent dangerous and painful escalation.
How Long Does Cocaine Withdrawal Last?
The list of withdrawal symptoms is long and can seem very scary and intimidating. This part of the process alone prevents many people from starting the recovery process, and those who try often fail before they get through the withdrawal phase.
Unfortunately, it can be tough to predict how long cocaine withdrawal symptoms will last. On average, detoxing may last for seven to ten days. Withdrawal symptoms can linger for longer – up to several weeks in some cases.
Ultimately, it comes down to several factors:
● How long you’ve been using. The longer your body has been accustomed to the drugs, the worse it may react to suddenly being cut off.
● How much you’ve been using. Typically, the longer you’ve been abusing cocaine, the more you’ll have to take to get the desired effects. This is because your body becomes used to the substance and eventually stops responding. This means you’ll need more and more of it on an ongoing basis. The more you’ve taken, the stronger your body will react to suddenly having no supply.
● The severity of the symptoms. If your symptoms are mild, they’ll probably subside faster than if you end up with stronger, more severe symptoms.
● Physical and mental state. Cocaine addiction takes a heavy toll on the mind and body, often leaving both in a compromised and fragile state. Your mental strength and physical health will also help determine how long the withdrawal process will last. Healthier bodies and strong immune systems will fight the side effects better and faster.
One of the most important parts of the withdrawal and recovery process is help and support. It’s difficult and potentially even dangerous to try and go through it alone. This is why we offer full service here at Lily Recover – from detox to recovery, and for as long as you need.
Recover Safely at Lily Recovery
Lily Recovery was made and designed specifically for women who are struggling with addiction. We have many elements in place to make you feel as safe and comfortable as possible:
● Female-only patients and staff
● Only ten women in the program at any given time – enough to build a network of support, but to also enjoy peace and privacy
● A quiet, peaceful, tranquil facility and location
● A variety of therapies and techniques, from traditional therapy methods to group therapy, and a wide variety of holistic options and activities
Our program is also self-referring, which means you can check yourself in with no need for a special referral or recommendation. The average stay is around 30-45 days, but you’re welcome in the program for as long as you need.
If you have any questions about cocaine withdrawal symptoms or our special rehab program for women, please don’t hesitate to contact us today.