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Art Therapy

Many people consider art to be therapeutic in their everyday life. Creating something new is a healthy way to stimulate your mind, and it has a powerful effect on everyone.

If it can make you feel better in a sad moment or a rough patch in life, imagine how much more powerful it is when used in actual therapy. Art therapy for depression and art therapy for trauma are great examples and are often done alongside addiction treatment. Art therapy is one of many effective and healthy methods of treatment we use here at Lily Recovery.

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art therapy

Many people turn to substances to avoid hard, painful emotions – others use them to try and feel more. In either case, art is a safe and healthy alternative that helps people recognize, process, and address emotions.

What is Art Therapy?

When most people picture “therapy,” especially in terms of addiction recovery, the immediate image is one of someone talking to a therapist.

While traditional, individual therapy is important and effective, the path to recovery is not always a straight one.

Art therapy comes in many forms and doesn’t always involve much talking. By simply participating in these exercises and activities, you’ll confront new emotions, learn more about yourself, and come to realizations. You can process these things as you continue creating, and then bring them to your individual therapy sessions to unpack later.

Art uses various artistic methods and techniques to improve your mental, emotional, and even physical well-being. People have been using art for expression and relaxation for centuries – it’s no surprise we now use art therapy for substance abuse as a medical tool for healing and recovery.

By using art to express yourself, you may become more comfortable exploring various emotions and opening up to your therapist in a more relaxed and less conventional way. Art therapy for anxiety and art therapy for stress are also common, and reducing these things can make treatment and recovery easier.

Examples of art therapy include:

  • Colouring
  • Collaging
  • Doodling
  • Drawing
  • Photography
  • Painting and finger painting
  • Sculpting
  • Pottery
  • And more

While art is no doubt effective in helping those struggling with addiction to confront and process thoughts and emotions, there are many other benefits for those in treatment:

  • Reduces stress. Stress is a normal human response but too much of it takes a toll on your physical and mental health. Struggling with addiction and going through treatment can be especially stressful, so it’s important to reduce it when you can.
  • Promotes relaxation. By regularly working to relax your mind and body, you’ll feel better all around. When your stress is down and you’re more relaxed, it’s easier to progress through treatment with a clear head.
  • Boosts self-esteem. There is a strong connection between addiction and lowered self-esteem. Art is known to boost your mood and increase self-esteem, making it easier to turn to things other than drugs.
  • Develops cognitive functions. Excessive and prolonged use of drugs can lower your cognitive abilities such as concentration, memory, information retention, and more. Engaging in expressive therapy for women can help improve these things again.
  • Addresses other things. Those struggling with addiction often struggle with other things as well. Mental health is a big one and art therapy for eating disorders is common, too. If you’re struggling with a co-occurring condition, art therapy can help.
music therapy

Art Therapy at Lily Recovery

Art therapy is just one of the many alternative and holistic practices we offer at Lily Recovery. We believe that these things complement traditional therapy beautifully. Our comprehensive program focuses on healing for the mind, body, and spirit to help you achieve lasting results.

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